"Genius without education is like silver in the mine." —Benjamin Franklin Get the right education and knowledge of the attributes of Silver that makes it a perfect addition to your jewellery collection and wealth. The sort of silver most frequently found in jewellery stores is sterling silver, which is also the shade of silver we are most accustomed to. Silver's ductile, high malleability, and soft properties appealed to jewellery makers. Silver has further advantages over other metals and costume jewellery in terms of longevity and durability as a jewellery material. Silver Color Jewellery is additionally less expensive than gold and platinum; as a result, silver jewellery is more cost-effective than jewellery crafted from many other precious metals. Properties and Characteristics of Silver White in colour, silver is also comparatively soft, thick, and glossy. The periodic chart classifies this noble element as a group 11 transition metal. It is one of the valua...